Top 15 shareholders

The table below shows the Company’s ownership structure of the top largest holdings.

Wide Development Cyprus Ltd   640,000 8.21%
Avanza Pension 639,171 8.20%
Nordnet Pension Insurance 466,888 5.99%
Purple Wolf Ltd 450,000 5.77%
Tommy Svensk 403,740 5.18%
Argenta Asset Management SA 288,409 3.70%
Proxima Ltd 236,000 3.03%
Daniel Eriksson 150,085 1.92%
Handelsbanken Life Insurance AB 143,940 1.85%
Peter Lindell 110,000 1.41%
Handelsbanken Funds 82,671 1.06%
Acadian Asset Management 77,300 0.99%
Swedbank Insurance 70,532 0.90%
Erik Lindbärg 70,000 0.90%
Dimension Fund Advisors 62,479 0.80%

Data is updated monthly.

Source: Monitor by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from various sources, including Euroclear, Morningstar and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. 

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